Thursday, 13 December 2018

Wishing everything good to you and everyone else on these finer eves is an activity we derive pleasure a lot from. When we wish good to others it causes happiness. Invite happiness to everyone's life. It will come and dwell within you too. 

A free world where everyone believes in fraternity of all beings is what we wish for, what we long for, and what we aspire to dwell in. You are our own brethren. You to us are part of our lives. Let's live in harmony with all the elements of this and other globes.

A good idea can change the fate of any organisation. Sometimes we term such ideas as concepts- product concepts, marketing concepts, HR concepts etc. In order to harvest innovative product development concepts from young minds, we have conducted an idea-mining session- a brainstorming event at the "Amla Shades" of The Calicut Tile Co. on 13th October 2018, in collaboration with NITC- National Institute of Technology, Calicut. Several architects and students of architecture from different institutions, lines and specialties participated in it. The event was branded "Nirmana Nairmalyam"

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